
The authors should follow this style sheet for preparing the manuscripts for submission. The Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association may be considered for any other formatting issues not mentioned here. The articles should be arranged as follows:

  1.  Basic Formatting: (a) The size used should be A4;(b) A margin of 1 cm should be left on all 4 sides, the Header should be placed 0.63 cm (0.25 inches) from the edge; (c) The text should be justified throughout; (d) A single line-space should be followed throughout, (d) Times New Roman in size 10 should be used for the main text; (e) Standard British spelling should be followed.
  2. Front Page: The author’s name, affiliation and email id should be in a separate page to enable blind peer review. The author’s name and affiliation should be in Times New Roman, font size 12, in bold and all capitals.
  3. Title and Abstract: The title of the paper should be in Times New Roman, font size 12, centered in bold and all capitals. The abstracts should follow the title of the paper. The word ‘abstract’ should be in capitals and centered with font size 10. The content of the abstract should be around 300 words and should be intended on both left and right 1.27 cm (0.5 inches) beyond the existing margin of 1.9 cm. First line should be intended by 0.63 cm (0.23 inches). The abstract should be followed by 4 to 5 keywords.
  4. Section Headings: After keywords, leave a two-line gap and begin section on the left margin. First level of the sections should be numbered as 1, 2, 3, etc., followed by the heading - all in bold. Do not use more than 4 levels of numbering. The text should follow after a line gap and the first line should intend to 0.63 cm (0.25 inches), and this should be followed for all subsequent paragraphs. All subsequent headings should follow the same style.
  5. Numbered Examples: Examples must be glossed (with word-by-word alignment) and translated (cf. the Leipzig Glossing Rules recommended as basic guidelines here). Example numbers should be left-aligned. If the example is not a complete sentence, there should be no capitalization and no full stop at the end. Example:


  1. ravi- ne            kumar-  ko                              dekh- a

           ravi-ERG         kumar- ACC                           saw-PERF.MSG

            Ravi saw Kumar.


          2. ami to             batkai-s-i

             I SG                FOC eat-PST-1

             I ate rice.

 6.        (a) Number the endnotes serially with numerals (1, 2, 3, etc.); (b) Use a raised numeral for the endnote reference number, do not enclose it in parenthesis. If there is a mark of punctuation, the numeral should follow it; (c) All endnotes must be typed with single spacing on separate sheets following the main text; (d) Type each endnote as a separate paragraph, beginning with its reference number.

7.        In-text Citations:  In-text citations should consist of author’s surname and the publication year, followed by et al after the first author’s name. For citing multiple citations, they are to be separated by semicolons and listed in chronological order.

8.        References: (a) References should be single spaced with the heading REFERENCES centered in size 10. All lines after the first line of each entry in the reference list should be indented 0.84 cm (0.33 inches) from the left margin. Examples:


  • Bhat, J. A. (2018). Politeness and Address Expressions: Kashmiri as a Case Study. In Aejaz Mohammed Sheikh and Ranjit Singh Rangila (eds.), Reflections on Science of Language, 42-54. New Delhi: Educational Publishing House.


  • Chmosky, N, (2014). Aspects of Theory of Syntax. MIT Press.


  • Halliday, M. A. K., & Hassan, R. (2014). Cohesion in English. Routledge.


  • Koul, O. N. (2016) Transfer of Modal Expression ma: and Complex N + V Predicates from Kashmiri to Hindi-Urdu. Interdisciplinary Journal of Linguistics 16: 26 – 23.