Interdisciplinary Journal of Linguistics

Interdisciplinary Journal of Linguistics (IJL) is a peer reviewed and refereed journal that enjoys the support of an erudite and professional Board of Referees and Advisory Board. It is an annual publication with an ISSN 09743421. Interdisciplinary Journal of Linguistics (IJL) has a reputation for publishing quality research papers from last twelve years and has been received with great enthusiasm in Linguistic circles. It invites quality research papers covering a wide variety of fields in Linguistics including phonology, Morphology, Syntax, Semantics, Sociolinguistics, Psycholinguistics, Computational Linguistics, Stylistics, Discourse Analysis, Translation and Communication Skills, Language Acquisition, Language Teaching and English Language Teaching. It continually aims to map new frontiers in emerging and developing areas of linguistic studies to increase visibility and disseminate relevant and updated research findings.
