School of Arts, Languages and Literature
Head Of Department's Message
Contact Us
Syllabus M.A. Linguistics (2023 Onwards)
Evidence of new courses added
Syllabus 2018 onwards
Syllabus 2017 Onwards
Syllabus 2015
Syllabus 2014
Syllabus (2009-2013)
M.Phil/Ph.D Entrance Syllabus
PG Entrance Syllabus 2023
Syllabus for Course work of Integrated MPhil/PhD Programme
PG Entrance Syllabus (Before 2023 )
Eminent Visitors
Eminent Scholars/ personalities who visited the Department
Placement (2019-2023)
Events Organized
Awards and Honors
Student Services
Student List
Mentor Mentee list
Scholars with JRF/SRF/ICSSR/ MANAUF. Scholarships
Scholars with departmental fellowships
Date Sheet
Date sheet (3rd Semester)
Date sheet (OE/GE)
Time Table
Time Table
Time Table
Time Table(Nov-Dec)
Scholars Cabins
Committee Room
Computational Lab
Common Room for Girls
Students Help Line
sanction letter 2022-2023
sanction letter 2021-2022
sanction letter 2020-2021
sanction letter 2019-2020
santion letter 2018-2019
Programme Outcome
(Metric 1.2.1) Board of PG studies
PG Syllabus 2023 onwards
(Metric 1.2.1)Board of UG studies 2023
(Metric 1.2.2) UG Syllabus 2023
(Metric 1.3.3) Field Projects/Research Projects/Internships
Field Project syllabus /Dissertation
Metric (2.3.2) Mentor-Mentee List
Mentor Mentee List 2023
Mentor mentee list 2022
Mentor Mentee list 2021
Mentor Mentee list 2020
Mentor Mentee list 2019
Mentor orders
Metric Number of Students Appeared in Examinations (2019-2023 )
Metric (3.1.4) Pecentage of JRF/SRF/ Among Enrolled PhD scholars(2018-2023)
Metric (3.2.2) Number of Research Projects per Teacher funded by Govt.
Metric (3.3.2) Number of Awards
PhD Awardess (2019-2023)
Metric (3.4.1) Research Ethics and Courses/ implementation of Research ethics
Metric (3.4.3) Number of PhD Awarded per Recognized Guide
Number of Teachers recognised as guides
Metric (3.4.4) Number of research paper Published Per Teacher
Metric (3.4.5) Books and Book Chapters
Metric (3.4.6) E Content Developed by teacher
Supervisor Recognition (2018- 2021)
PhD Notifications
Metric (3.4.8) Bibliometrics of Publications during last 5 years
Metric (3.4.7)Bibliometric of Publications (Scopus/ Web of Science/ PubMed)
Metric (4.1.2) Percentage of Expenditure for Infrastructure and Development
Metric (4.2.2) Percentage Expenditure for Purchase of Books
Metric (4.3.3) Detailed Information of facilities for Developing e-content
Criterion Iv Detailed Information (2018-2023)
Metric (5.1.1) Percentage of students/ Scholars Receiving Scholarships
Kashmir university Scholarship(2019-2023)
JRF/MANUF Scholarship
Metric (5.2.1) Percentage of Placement of Outgoing Students
Placements list
Metric (5.2.3) Percentage of Students qualifying NET/SET/SLET/ UPSC
Metric (6.3.3) Percentage of Teachers undergoing FDP/MDP
Metric (6.4.2) Funds and Grants Received from Govt. Bodies
Best Practices and Innovations
Evaluation Report
Notable Alumni
Register as Alumni
Notable Alumni
Photographs of Alumni meet
Alumni meet 2023
Alumni meet 2019
Language Lab.
Central Language Lab.(Under Construction )
List of Former Heads
Prof.Musavir Ahmed (Head )
Prof.Aadil Amin Kak
Prof.Aejaz Mohammed Sheikh
Dr.Sajad Hussain Wani
Dr. Sheeba Hassan
Dr. Saima Jan
Dr. Nazima Mehdi
Dr. Zahid Bashir
Rescheduling of date sheet for 3rd Semester Students Batch 2023 (Regular/ Backlog ) Session Autumn 2024.; Dated: 1-1-2025
Date sheet for OE/GE Courses of Semester 1st Batch 2024; Dated: 27-12-2024
PhD Counselling Cum Interaction and Verification of Certificates; Dated: 4-12-2024
Date Sheet for OE/GE Courses of 3rd Semester (Batch 2023); Dated: 28-11-2024
Date Sheet for 3rd semester students (Regular/backlog ); Dated: 22-11-2024
Dissertation Submission Date Extended; Dated: 14-8-2024
Dissertation Submission Date Extended; Dated: 14-8-2024
Submission of project Dissertation and viva-voce thereof.; Dated: 25-7-2024
Date Sheet for OE/GE Courses of 2nd Semester (Batch 2024); Dated: 12-6-2024
Verification of Certificates and Counselling cum Interaction with Departmental Research Committee for PhD Program in the Discipline of Linguistics.; Dated: 27-5-2024
DRC Notice (PhD Admission); Dated: 13-2-2024
Merit List of PhD entrance test; Dated: 13-2-2024
Interview; Dated: 18-1-2024
Advertisement for Research Associate and Field Investigator; Dated: 30-12-2023
Date Sheet for M. A. Linguistics 1st Semester (Batch 2023); Dated: 7-12-2023
Date Sheet for M. A. Linguistics 3rd Semester (Batch 2022); Dated: 7-12-2023
Revised Date-sheet for GE/OE 3rd Semester (Batch 2022); Dated: 29-11-2023
Date-sheet for GE/OE 3rd Semester (Batch 2022); Dated: 25-11-2023
Date-sheet for GE/OE 1st Semester (Batch 2023); Dated: 25-11-2023
Walk in Interview; Dated: 1-11-2023
Date sheet for PG 4th Semester OE/GE Batch 2021; Dated: 21-8-2023
Date sheet for M. A. 4th Semester Batch 2021; Dated: 22-8-2023
Call for Papers; Dated: 19-7-2023
Ph.D Interaction cume Document Verification; Dated: 11-7-2023
Date Sheet for 2nd Semester (Batch-2022); Dated: 4-7-2023
Date Sheet GE/OE Courses, 2nd Semester (Batch-2022); Dated: 27-6-2023
Time Table GE/OE 2nd Semester, Batch 2022; Dated: 1-3-2023
Date Sheet 3rd Semester; Dated: 25-2-2023
GE/OE Date Sheet 3rd Semester; Dated: 25-2-2023
Condolence Meeting on the Sad Demise of Mr. Mohmad Rafi Malik; Dated: 13-2-2023
Shortage List; Dated: 24-12-2022
Date sheet GE OE; Dated: 12-12-2022
Date Sheet 1st Semester Batch 2022; Dated: 6-12-2022
Date Sheet MA 4th Semester Batch 2020; Dated: 24-11-2022
Call For Papers; Dated: 15-11-2022
Date-sheet for GE/OE Courses of 4th Semester (Batch 2020); Dated: 10-11-2022
Time Table for GE/OE Ist Semester; Dated: 19-9-2022
Rescheduled Date- Sheet for 2nd Semester (Batch 2021); Dated: 19-9-2022
Notice; Dated: 18-8-2022
Time Table of 1st Semester (Batch 2022); Dated: 22-8-2022
Date -sheet of 2nd semester Regular Batch -2021; Dated: 18-8-2022
Date sheet of GE & OE courses (Electives) of 2nd Semester(Batch 2021); Dated: 12-8-2022
Time Table of GE/OE courses of 4th Semester; Dated: 4-8-2022
Walk in-Interview; Dated: 4-8-2022
Date sheet of 3rd semester Regular Batch 2020; Dated: 13-6-2022
Date sheet of GE & OE of 3rd semester (Batch 2020); Dated: 22-5-2022
Time Table for GE/OE 2nd Semester; Dated: 30-5-2022
Date sheet of 1st semeter Regular (Batch 2021); Dated: 14-3-2022
Date sheet of GE & OE of 1st Semester (batch 2021); Dated: 22-2-2022
Date Sheet for 4th Semester (Special Exam) Batch 2018; Dated: 28-1-2022
Date sheet of GE & OE of 2nd semester (Batch 2020); Dated: 29-11-2021
date sheet of 2nd semester Batch 2020; Dated: 24-11-2021
Time table; Dated: 13-11-2021
Call for Papers; Dated: 25-10-2021
Date Sheet for 4th Semester (Regular); Dated: 9-10-2021
Time Table of OE/GE (w.e.f 19-8-2021); Dated: 18-8-2021
Date Sheet for GE/OE Courses of 4th semester ( Batch 2019); Dated: 28-8-2021
Date Sheet for 1st Semester (Regular, Batch 2020); Dated: 15-6-2021
Date Sheet for 4th Semester (Regular); Dated: 15-5-2021
Date Sheet for 4tth semester ( Backlog); Dated: 15-5-2021
Date Sheet for GE/OE Courses of 1st semester ( Batch 2020); Dated: 8-5-2021
Date Sheet For GE/OE courses of 1st semester (Batch 2020); Dated: 16-4-2021
Date Sheet for 4th Semester( Backlog ); Dated: 23-3-2021
Date Sheet for 3rd semester (Backlog); Dated: 22-3-2021
Date Sheet for 4th Semester (Regular, Batch 2018); Dated: 26-3-2021
Date Sheet of 3rd Semester (Regular, Batch 2019); Dated: 22-3-2021
Date Sheet of GE & OE courses 3rd Semester (2019) Batch; Dated: 22-2-2021
Date Sheet of OE & GE for 4th Semester (2018) Batch; Dated: 25-2-2021
Time Table of OE/GE for the session December2020; Dated: 11-12-2020
Date Sheet GE/OE Course 3rd Semester; Dated: 14-11-2020
Date Sheet GE/OE Course 2nd Semester; Dated: 14-11-2020
Call for Papers; Dated: 3-11-2020
Date Sheet for the online examination for 2nd Semester (backlog); Dated: 15-10-2020
Date-Sheet for the online examination of MA 2nd semester (Batch 2019) and 3rd Semester (2018); Dated: 15-9-2020
Date Sheet; Dated: 27-7-2020
Date Sheet; Dated: 27-7-2020
CALL FOR PAPERS; Dated: 8-8-2020
Date- Sheet for the online examination of MA 3rd Semester (Backlog Batch 2017; Dated: 23-6-2020
Date Sheet for the Online examination of MA 2nd Semester (Backlog Batch 2017); Dated: 22-6-2020
Date-Sheet for the Online examination of MA Ist Semester Backlog (Batch 2017); Dated: 22-6-2020
Date-Sheet for the Online Examination of MA 2nd Semester (Batch 2018); Dated: 15-6-2020
Date-Sheet for the online examination of 1st Semester (Batch 2019); Dated: 8-6-2020
Date-Sheet of 2nd and 1st Semester internals,2020; Dated: 16-6-2020
Time Table for GE/OE (2nd and 3rd Semester, 2020); Dated: 8-6-2020
Date-Sheet of M.A Linguistics 1st Semester Regular and backlog examination; Dated: 18-3-2019
Date-Sheet of M.A Linguistics 2nd Semester Regular and backlog examination; Dated: 18-3-2020
Date-Sheet for Electives (OE/GE) courses for 1st Semester (Batch 2019)& 2nd Semester (batch 2018); Dated: 17-3-2020
list of candidates who have completed admission formalities in M.A Programme (Linguistics); Dated: 16-12-2019
Call For Papers; Dated: 20-11-2019
Date-Sheet of Open & Generic Electives Courses 4th semester (batch 2017); Dated: 30-11-2019
Shortage List of M.A. 4th Semester; Dated: 2-8-2019
Notice (Postponed paper General Linguistics (LN18101CR) shall now be held on 16-07-2019 ) at 11.00 A.M; Dated: 1-7-2019
Date-Sheet of M.A Linguistics 2nd and 4th Semester examination (Backlog batch 2012,2014,2016) to be held in July 2019; Dated: 1-7-2019
Date-Sheet for GE and OE 1st Semester (Batch-2018); Dated: 26-6-2019
Paper postponed; Dated: 13-6-2019
Date-Sheet of M.A Linguistics 1st Semester Examination for Regular batch-2018 (backlog and Division Improvement)to be helfd in June 2019; Dated: 7-6-2019
Date- sheet for special Supplementary Examination 2016 Batch GE/OE; Dated: 15-5-2019
Date-Sheet of 1st Semester (Batch 2019); Dated: 29-4-2019
Notice for Answer Script Checking of OE Courses of 3rd Semester; Dated: 17-4-2019
NOTICE; Dated: 22-3-2019
Postponement of Examination; Dated: 19-3-2019
NOTICE; Dated: 18-3-2019
NOTICE; Dated: 5-3-2019
Postponement of Examination; Dated: 1-3-2019
Notice; Dated: 15-2-2019
Notice; Dated: 15-2-2019
Invitation of Tenders for Language Lab; Dated: 16-2-2019
Postponement of Examination; Dated: 14-2-2019
Notice; Dated: 14-2-2019
Date Sheet for Electives (OE / GE ) course for 3rd Semester (Batch 2017); Dated: 14-1-2019
End Semester Examination : M.A Linguistics 3rd Semester for Regular (Batch-2017) and Backlog / Division Improvement batch 2014 to 2016 (Session February-March-2019); Dated: 31-12-2018
Re-scheduled Date Sheet; Dated: 10-12-2018
Date Sheet for Backlog/Division Improvement Examination for all Four Semesters I,II,III,IV (Batch 2014)onwards; Dated: 7-12-2018
Special Exam; Dated: 29-10-2018
Date-Sheet for (Special Examination)for 2nd Semester; Dated: 9-10-2018
Notice for 2nd Sem (2017 Batch) students who have opted for GE & OE Courses in the Department of Liguistics; Dated: 13-9-2018
Date Sheet for Supplementary/ Backlog Examination for Elective Courses for all Four Semesters I, II, III IV (Batch 2015-2016); Dated: 12-9-2018
All the students of the batch 2016/2017 are directed to report to the department on 08-09-2018 at 12.00 pm; Dated: 6-9-2018
Order; Dated: 6-9-2018
Shortage List of 2nd semester Students; Dated: 16-8-2018
Board of Post Graduate Studies ( Minutes); Dated: 9-8-2018
DRC Minuts; Dated: 12-3-2013
Date-Sheet for 2nd Semester Batch- 2017(Unit-2nd Examination; Dated: 7-6-2018
Tentative Date Sheet for 4th Semester Regular Batch 2016; Dated: 5-6-2018
Date Sheet for Open and Generic Electives for 4th Semester Students (Batch 2016); Dated: 5-6-2018
date sheet; Dated: 21-5-2018
M. A. Linguistics 4th semester batch2015 are herby informed that the Viva-Voce; Dated: 17-4-2018
Date-Sheet for GE and OE 1st semester (batch-2017); Dated: 24-12-2017
Admission Details-Year 2017; Dated: 9-12-2017
Date Sheet for Generic and Open Electives for 3rd Semester Students (Batch 2016); Dated: 20-10-2017
Date Sheet for Generic and Open 3rd and 4th semester (Batch 2015-2016); Dated: 22-9-2017
Date Sheet for Generic and Open Electives for 2nd Semester Batch 2016; Dated: 25-5-2017
Checking of papers for GE and OE papers of 4th Semester Batch 2016; Dated: 31-7-2018
Checking of papers for GE and OE papers of 4th Semester Batch 2016; Dated: 31-7-2018
Paper Checking of GE and OE papers for Ist semester (Batch 2017); Dated: 8-8-2018
Date Sheet for 2nd Semester Generic and Open Electives; Dated: 25-7-2018
Date-Sheet for M.A.Linguistics Semester 2nd Backlog & Division Improvement Students; Dated: 9-5-2016
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